Circumcision of women is not an Islamic rule or permission; rather it was an Arab ritual before Islam. There are many Hadiths that connote the negative attitude of Islam as to this ritual.
However, Islam did not forbid it at that time because it was not possible to suddenly forbid a ritual with strong roots in Arabic culture; rather it preferred to gradually express its negative opinions.
This is how Islam treated slavery as well, (gradual preparation of the society for the final forbiddance of slavery).The Prophet had prevented people several times from circumcising women.
In addition, the mere prevention may connote forbidding of that action as well. Furthermore, circumcising is accompanied by hurting and injuring the body of a woman; and we are not allowed to make any injury to our body unless we are expressly allowed to do so.
Thus, we are dubious whether we are allowed or not, we should abide by the primary principle that is forbidding of injuring oneself.