The Amman Message [see Institutions and Organizations listings for more information] is a document prepared and compiled after a meeting in Amman, upon the instigation of King Abdullah of Jordan.
For all intents and purposes, that document appears to be politically motivated, for the content itself violates every principle of Islamic belief. One cannot read anything into this document except political machinations.
The Amman Message has been supposedly designed to foster better inter-faith relations among Muslims and to unite the fragmented Ummat (a worldwide community of Muslims).
It is purported to convey the true aqaaid or beliefs of Islam. However, it contains everything to the contrary. It recognizes certain sects that are outside the Pale of Islam [sic], such as Shias, and it gives credibility to baatil or deviant groups such as the Ibaadiiyah and Salafi sects.
The document precludes Ulama (religious scholars) from declaring false sects as false and issuing fatwaof kufr (disbelieving) on those groups that have reneged on Islam. It is claimed that 500 scholars worldwide attached their signatures of approval to this document.
What a farce! The 500 so-called scholars comprise male and female journalists, male and female business people, professors, medical doctors, rich land owners, etc. Surely such people cannot be termed Islamic Scholars.
There are some ulama from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, and South Africa whose names appear on the list. However, one serious discrepancy that has come to light in the Amman message is the supposed "signature" of Hazrat Mufti Taqi Uthmani, of Pakistan.
We have a written statement in our possession from Hazrat Mufti Sahib wherein he categorically denied signing the Amman message. His signature was probably copied from a fatwa on one particular issue that he had sent to the Amman group. If this is the case, how can we believe that the other signatures are authentic?